KYKLOS IDEON (Circle of ideas for the national reconstruction) is a think tank founded in December 2015, by Professor Evangelos Venizelos, a former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance of Hellenic Republic.
The governing body of KYKLOS IDEON consists of:
President of the board of directors: Petros Kavassalis, Assoc. Professor of University of the Aegean,
Vice President of the board of directors: Christos Dervenis, MD PhD FRCS – Metropolitan Hospital,
Treasurer of the board of directors: Panagiotis Rigas, former member of the Greek Parliament,
General Director of the board of directors: Afrodite Al Salech, Political Scientist
Members of the board of directors:
Chrysanthos Zamboulis, Professor Emeritus of Thessaloniki Medical School,
Panagiotis Doudonis, D.Phil Cand. in Law at Oriel College, University of Oxford,
Konstantinos Korikis, Digital Media Strategist, IEEE Member
The governing body is responsible for the management and day-to-day work.
KYKLOS IDEON is a non-profit organization, registered in Athens.
KYKLOS IDEON is a forum for public debate and innovative thinking aiming to define a new and sustainable strategic role for Greece within Europe and globally.
KYKLOS IDEON runs a full events program bringing together top politicians and policymakers, academics and leading pubic thinkers (See below)
During 2016-2021 KYKLOS IDEON has organized 47 open events, 5 annual conference, 10 workshops, in 13 Greek cities with more than 500 speakers, on the following issue: Democracy – Independent Institutions- Constitution, Economic Growth and Development, Foreign Affairs Policy, European Integration, Education, 4h Industrial Revolution, Climate Change, Risk Society, Pandemic.
KYKLOS IDEON has closely cooperated with Greek and European Institutions, such as: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Delphi Economic Forum, Hellenic Association for European Law, CECL, Diktio, International Economic Relations (IDOS), KEFIM, Centre of International & European Economic Law, New York College, Foundation for International Legal Studies - Professor Elias Krispi
KYKLOS IDEON organizes events and public debates, sponsored and supported by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.
KYKLOS IDEON has organized a public event under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on 17.1.2020.
KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with SYMEON G. TSOMOKOS SA, organized in June 2017, its first annual conference, under the title “Ellada Meta”. 50 rapporteurs in 6 round tables, participated synthesizing proposals on the idea of Ellada Meta, i.e. after the experience of memoranda, after the second face of the crisis erupted in 2015, after the end of the ruthless anti-memorandum rhetoric”.
In the second annual conference held in June 2018, 56 speakers in 7 round tables gathered to discuss the issue of a new narrative for the country in the context of the coming 200th anniversary of the Independence Revolution of 1821.
The third annual conference (June 2019) Ellada Meta III, focused on the Restitution of the Middle Class, the backbone of Greece’s society and economy. 7 workshops and 56 speakers presented and analyzed their proposals for a sustainable restitution of the Greek middle class, in the context of a new strategy of growth.
The fourth annual conference (September 2020) Ellada Meta IV, focused on the Pandemic. Due to the health restrictions and regulations that have come about from the COVID-19 virus, the event took place in digital format, as an online three days conference. The central theme for this year’s conference was: Greece After (?) the Pandemic.
eKyklos.Watch: A civil-society Observatory for the implementation of the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund in Greece
In July 2020, Kyklos Ideon launched the initiative "eKyklos.Watch: A civil-society Observatory for the implementation of the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund in Greece". The objective of the Observatory is to follow and monitor the activities related to the implementation of the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the recently created Recovery and Resilience Facility. The Facility will make €672.5 billion in loans and grants available to support reforms and investments undertaken by Member States, in the objective to mitigate the economic and social impact of the recent Covid-19 pandemic, and support the twin the green and digital transformation of the European Union.
eKyklos.Watch is composed of distinguished representatives of the Greek civil and scientific society, with policy, administrative and high professional experience, having a deep knowledge of the European and national government policies, processes and practices (and experience from running and evaluating similar projects in the past), and contributing on a voluntary basis. Among them, Former Ministers and Secretaries General, former European Commission officials, University professors and Researchers, former Senior Judicial officials, as well as private sector and civil society's staff members. The Observatory has its own website accessed via the url https://ekyklos.watch/
Where you can find us
KYKLOS IDEON is located at the center of Athens:
Merlin 8, Kolonaki
Email: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
Tel: +302103646833 , +306944461750
[YEAR 2021]
20 April 2021, KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with EPIKENTRO PUBLISHERS organized the online event: “An institutional assessment of the Metapolitefsi - Fifty of the two hundred years of the Greek state”
Nikos Alivizatos, Emeritus Professor of the Law School of the University of Athens
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor in Constitutional Law (Aristotle University Thessaloniki); f. Deputy Prime Minister; f. Minister of Foreign Affairs
Giannis Voulgaris, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Panteio University
George Gerapetritis, Minister of State
Lina Papadopoulou, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Antonis Manitakis, Emeritus Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Moderator: Pavlos Tsimas, journalist
See more: https://ekyklos.gr/triti-20-4-2021-mia-thesmiki-apotimisi-tis-metapolitefsis-peninta-apo-ta-diakosia-xronia-tou-ellinikoy-kratous.html
14 April 2021, KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with EPIKENTRO PUBLISHERS organized the online event: “Cyprus: Is there a national strategy?”
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor in Constitutional Law (Aristotle University Thessaloniki); f. Deputy Prime Minister; f. Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dimitris Keridis, Professor of International Relations at Panteion University of Athens, Member of the Parliament
Yannis Stefanidis, Professor of Diplomatic History at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Evanthis Chatzivasiliou, Professor at the Department of History and Archeology at the University of Athens
and the writter Polivios Poliviou
Moderator: Petros Papasarantopoulos, editor & writer
See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/808-triti-20-4-2021-mia-thesmiki-apotimisi-tis-metapolitefsis-peninta-apo-ta-diakosia-xronia-tou-ellinikoy-kratous.html
11 March 2021, online event: “Strategy for the Development of the Rural Economy”
Athanasios Tsaftaris, Emeritus Professor of AUTh, former Minister of Agriculture Miltiadis Nektarios, Professor at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Piraeus
Sevasti Chatzopoulou, Associate Professor, University Roskilde, Denmark
Christodoulos Antoniadis, President of GAIA ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΕΙΝ, Senior Advisor to Management Commercial Agriculture Banking of Piraeus Bank S.A
Moschos Korasidis, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Rural Development Babis Dalalakis, General Director of GREEK FARMER
Conclusions: Evangelos Venizelos
Moderator: Irini Sakellari, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/11-3-2021-stratigiki-gia-tin-anaptyksi-tis-agrotikis-oikonomias.html
10 March 2021, online event: Presentation of the survey "Pandemic and social cohesion"
Stratos Fanaras, Metron Analysis President & CEO, presents the research.
Anastasia Kotanidou, Professor of Intensive Care Pulmonology, University of Athens- Head of Critical Care Department “Evangelismos’ General Hospital
Giannis Voulgaris, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Panteio University
Theodore Pelagidis, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, Professor of Economics at the University of Piraeus
Gregory Farmakis, Engineer and Entrepreneur, CEO / Agilis SA Statistics & Informatics
Moderator: Evangelos Venizelos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/10-3-2021-parousiasi-erevnas-pandimia-kai-koinoniki-synoxi.html
18 February 2021, KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with the Greece/Cyprus Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Centre of International and European Economic Law, organized the online event: “Rule of Law in the European Union: Challenges and Perspectives”
Welcoming Remarks:
Henri Bohnet, Director at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Greece and Cyprus Office
Introductory note by
H. E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou
Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Promoting the European Way of Life
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor in Constitutional Law (Aristotle University Thessaloniki); f. Deputy Prime Minister; f. Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vassilios Skouris, President at the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL); f. President at the Court of Justice of the European Union; Professor em. in Public Law (Aristotle University Thessaloniki)
Angelika Nußberger, Professor in Constitutional, Public International and Comparative Law (University of Cologne); f. Vice-President at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Moderator: Eleni Varvitsioti, Journalist at Kathimerini
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/pempti-18-2-2021-kratos-dikaiou-stin-ee-prokliseis-kai-prooptikes.html
3 February 2021, KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with the Citizens’ Movement for an Open Society organize the online event: “The challenge of American" hegemony "after the Biden election”
Thanos Dokos, Deputy National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, Doctor of International and Strategic Studies of Cambridge University
Soti Triantafyllou, Writer, Historian
Yannis Alexis Zepos, Ambassador (ad. hon), former Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Permanent Representative of Greece to NATO
Katerina Sokou, Washington Correspondent Kathimerini & Skai TV/ Nonresident Senior Fellow Atlantic Council
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister; f. Minister of Foreign Affairs; f. Minister of National Defence
Moderator: Athanasios Ellis, Editor in Chief of Kathimerini English Edition
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/3-2-2021-to-stoixima-tis-amerikanikis-igemonias-meta-tin-eklogi-bainten.html
28 January 2021, online event: “Pandemics, Fundamental Human Rights and Democracy - the vaccination challenge”
In the frame of the international interdisciplinary digital symposium, under the title: “Pandemics: An old age threat, a challenge for the future”, organized by the Hellenic Paster Institute, Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation and King’s College London, and Kyklos Ideon
Evangelos Venizelos, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Professor of Constitutional Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
George Gerapetritis, Minister of State
Linos-Alexandros Sicilianos, Former President of the European Court of Human Rights
Michalis Pikramenos, Vice President of the Council of State
Lilian Mitrou, Member of the Greek National Council for Radio and Television
Christina Akrivopoulou, PhD in Constitutional Law
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/28-1-2021-pandimia-themeliodi-dikaiomata-kai-dimokratia-i-proklisi-tou-emvoliasmoy.html
21 January 2021, KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Papadopoulos Publications organized the event: “A day after Biden inauguration: The Greek-Turkish relations in the context of relations between Turkey and the West”
The journalists Angelos Athanasopoulos and Vasilis Nedos discuss with Evangelos Venizelos, on the occasion of the publication of the new book of the latter, “Delimitation of Maritime Zones and Greco-Turkish Relations” (Papadopoulos Publications)
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/pempti-21-1-2021-mia-imera-meta-tin-orkomosia-bainten-oi-ellinotourkikes-sxeseis-kai-to-evrytero-plaisio-ton-sxeseon-dysis-kai-tourkias.html
13 January 2021, online conference of eKyklos.Watch: A civil-society Observatory for the implementation of the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund in Greece: “How can 2021 be won?”
1st Panel: “The regulatory framework of the Recovery Fund and Greek planning”
Giorgos Giannousis, former Secretary General of Public Investments & NSRF Alekos Kritikos, former secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Development
Fay Makantasi, Senior Research Analyst at diaNEOsis
George Prokopakis, Business Consultant
Takis Rigas, former Deputy Minister of Development
Antonis Trifyllis, former EU official
Moderator: Yannis Koutsomitis, columnist
2nd Panel: “Between rescuing and restructuring the Greek economy”
George Vernikos, ESC President and Secretary General SETE, Vice-President of the Greek-Chinese Chamber
Yannis Caloghirou, Professor Emeritus, former Director Lab of Industrial & Energy Economics, National Technical University of Athens
Constantinos Kartalis, Professor, University of Athens, Member of the Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement
Phoebe Koundouri, Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business, President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
Ioannis Maniatis, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Moderator: Evangelos Venizelos, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Former Minister of Finance
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/13-1-2021-pos-borei-na-kerdithei-to-2021.html
Year: 2020
17 January 2020, Athens: « L’ application des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme comme condition nécessaire du respect de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH)»
The implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as a fundamental condition for the compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
La localisation: à l’hôtel Electra Palace (open event)
Sous les auspices du Conseil de l'Europe, Marija Pejčinović – Burić
Rapporteur: Jean-Luc Sauron, Conseiller d’Etat, délégué au droit européen, Professeur à l’Université de Paris Dauphine
A la discussion participent :
Le Président de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Prof. Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos
Le Président de la Cour de cassation, M. Iosif Tsalaganidis
Le Président de la Cour des comptes, M. Ioannis Sarmas
Le Vice-président du Conseil d'État, M. Christos Rammos
Le Président du Conseil juridique de l'État, M. I-K. Chalkias
Coordination : Prof. Evangelos Venizelos, ancien vice-Premier ministre, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères, ex-Rapporteur de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe sur la mise en œuvre des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/17-01-2020-athina-i-efarmogi-ton-apofaseon-tou-evropaikoy-dikastiriou-dikaiomaton-tou-anthropou-os-themeliodis-proypothesi-sevasmoy-tis-esda.html
4 February 2020, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with the Greece and Cyprus office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized the open event «Climate change: An urgent challenge for a new development mode»
Location: King George Hotel (open conference)
Welcoming remarks remarks by the Director of the Greece and Cyprus office of the Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung, Henri Bohnet
Panel 1: "Are the goals achievable? From rhetorical commitments to practical measures: energy, transport, shipping, tourism"
Constantinos Cartalis, Professor, University of Athens, Member of the Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement
Phoebe Koundouri, Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business, President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
Michaela Balis, Director, Greece & Cyprus. Germany Trade & Invest
Moderation: Katerina Christofilidou, Journalist, Skai
Welcoming remarks by Evangelos Venizelos
Panel 2: "Are there deeper impacts? Social relations, democratic institutions, European integration"
Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister for the Environment and Energy
Giorgos Stathakis, former Minister of Environment and Energy
Yannis Maniatis, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Moderation: Vivian Efthimiopoulou, columnist, publisher of the newsletter FACT News
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/709-4-2-2020-athina-klimatiki-allagi-epeigousa-parametros-tou-neou-montelou-anaptyksis.html
2 April 2020, open online event: «The Pandemic, Fundamental Rights and Democracy»
Ioannis Sarmas, President of the Court of Audit
Christos Rammos, former Vice President, Council of State
Antonis Manitakis, Emeritus Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Lina Papadopoulou, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who also coordinate the discussion
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/2-4-202020-pandimia-themeliodi-dikaiomata-kai-dimokratia.html
8 April 2020, open online event: «The pandemic and the endurance of Greek economy - The day after»
Fokion Karavias, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Eurobank SA
Kostas Kostis, Professor of History at the University of Athens
Evangelos Mytilineos, Chairman and CEO of MYTILINEOS S.A
George Prokopakis, Business Consultant
Yiannis Retsos, President SETE-Greek Tourism Confederation & CEO of Electra Hotels & Resorts
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, who also coordinate the discussion
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/8-4-2020-i-pandimia-kai-oi-antoxes-tis-ellinikis-oikonomias-i-epomeni-imera.html
23 April 2020, open online event: «Privacy and Personal Data at the era of COVID-19»
Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, President of the European Court of Human Rights
Konstantinos Menoudakos, former President Council of State, President, Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Lilian Mitrou, Professor at the University of the Aegean-Greece and member of the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV)
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who also coordinate the discussion
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/23-4-2020-idiotikotita-kai-prosopika-dedomena-tin-epoxi-tou-koronoioy.html
30 April 2020, open online event: «Privacy and Personal Data at the era of COVID-19»
Effy Vayena, Professor of Bioethics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
Dimitris Lignadis, Artistic Director of the National Theatre of Greece
Christos Chomenidis, novelist
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who also coordinate the discussion
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/718-30-4-2020-i-pandimia-os-vio-ithiki-proklisi-mia-nea-anthropini-katastasi.html
07 May 2020, open online event: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Delphi Economic Forum organize «The next day in Greek-Turkish relations»
Evangelos Apostolakis, Minister of National Defence 2019, Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff 2015-2019
Dora Bakoyannis, Member of the Parliament, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2006-2009
Evangelos Venizelos, Deputy PM & Minister for Foreign Affairs 2013-2015, Minister of National Defence 2009-2011
Moderator: Athanasios Ellis, Editor-in-Chief, Kathimerini English Edition
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/722-7-5-2020-i-epomeni-mera-stis-ellino-tourkikes-sxeseis.html
12 May 2020, open online event: « The implications of the German Constitutional Court's decision on the ECB's QE program»
Prof. Yannis Stournaras, Governor, Bank of Greece
Prof. Vassilis Skouris, former President of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Prof. Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who also coordinate the discussion
*See more:
In Greek https://ekyklos.gr/12-5-2020-oi-epiptoseis-tis-apofasis-tou-germanikoy-synt-dikastiriou-gia-to-programma-posotikis-xalarosis-tis-ekt.html
In English: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/727-tuesday-may-12-the-implications-of-the-german-constitutional-court-s-decision-on-the-ecb-s-qe-program.html
7 July 2020, open online event: «Security challenges in NATO's Southern Flank»
Yannis Alexis Zepos, Ambassador (ad. hon), former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Permanent Representative of Greece to NATO
Thrasyvoulos Stamatopoulos, Ambassador (ad. hon), former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, former Permanent Representative of Greece to NATO
Katerina Sokou, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, Washington Correspondent for Kathimerini & Skai TV
George Tzogopoulos, Fellow Begin Sadat Centre and ELIAMEP, Lecturer Democritus University of Thrace
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs; former Minister of National Defence, who will also coordinate the discussion
Welcoming remarks by Ino-Despina Afentouli, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division
*See more:
In English: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/745-7-7-2020-security-challenges-in-nato-s-southern-flank.html
In Greek: https://ekyklos.gr/7-7-2020-prokliseis-asfaleias-kai-o-rolos-tou-nato-sti-notia-pteryga.html
The fourth annual three-day conference
ELLADA META IV : After (? ) the pandemic

21-23 September 2020, open online conference: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with SYMEON G. TSOMOKOS SA, organizes the annual three-day conference GREECE AFTER, for the fourth consecutive year.
Due to the health restrictions and regulations that have come about from the COVID-19 virus, the event will be taking place in digital format, as an online conference.
The central theme for this year’s conference is: Greece After (?) the Pandemic.
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/21-23-septemvriou-2020-i-ellada-meta-iv-meta-tin-pandimia.html
19 October 2020, open online event: The Impact of the Court Decision on "Golden Dawn" - the civil rights of convicted
Nikos Alivizatos, Emeritus Professor of the Law School of the University of Athens
Charalambos Anthopoulos, Professor of Law and Administration at the Hellenic Open University
Xrystoforos Argyropoulos, Lawyer, President of the Legislative Committee of the Criminal Code
Spyros Vlachopoulos, Professor, Law School of the University of Athens
Antypas Karipoglou, Lawyer
Vasileios Markis, Honorary Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court
Elisavet Symeonidou-Kastanidou, Professor of Criminal Law, Dean of the Law School, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/19-10-2020-oi-epiptoseis-tis-apofasis-gia-ti-xrysi-avgi-ta-politika-dikaiomata-ton-katadikasthenton.html
2 - 4 November 2020, online international conference: “The Greek Laboratory”
In the framework of the bicentennial Initiative 1821-2021, Kyklos Ideon organized a three-day international online conference for the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, on the subject: “The Greek Laboratory” - Institutions and situations tested in Greece from the Revolution to the present day.
The following subjects were presented:
The Greek Revolution and the nation-states in South-eastern Europe
Early establishment and dilemmas of the democratic principle
Greece as a laboratory of the emergence of autocephalous national Orthodox Churches
Greece between the great wars: from the Balkan Wars to World War II (1912-1940)
Greece as a laboratory of the national phenomenon
Greece as a laboratory of Euro-Atlantic institutions
Lenders and supervisors, aid and dependence
See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ergastirion-i-ellas-thesmoi-kai-katastaseis-pou-dokimastikan-stin-ellada-apo-tin-paliggenesia-eos-tis-imeres-mas.html
19 November 2020, online event: “The impact of the Biden election on Greek-Turkish relations and the delimitation of maritime zones"
Chistos Michaelides discusses with Evangelos Venizelos on the occasion of the publication of the new book of the latter, “Delimitation of Maritime Zones and Greco-Turkish Relations” (Papadopoulos Publications)
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/19-11-2020-i-epirroi-tis-eklogis-biden-stis-ellinotourkikes-sxeseis-kai-tin-oriothetisi-ton-thalassion-zonon.html
13 December 2020, online event: “How does the pandemic affects the Health System”
Introduction & Moderation:
Chrysanthos Zamboulis, Professor Emeritus of Thessaloniki Medical School, & Christos Dervenis, MD PhD FRCS – Metropolitan Hospital
Welcoming remarks by the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, EU, Stella Kyriakidou
Kostas Stamatopoulos, Director of the Institute of Applied Biosciences at the Center for Research and Technology Hellas, in Thessaloniki, Greece
Dimitris Georgopoulos, Professor of Intensive Care - Pulmonology. Director of ICU, University Hospital of Heraklion
Ariella Aser, Psychoanalyst
Miltiadis Nektarios, Professor at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Piraeus
Elias Mossialos, Professor of Health Policy, Deputy Head of Department of Health Policy and Director of LSE Health
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/13-12-2020-pos-epireazei-i-dokimasia-tis-pandimias-ton-sxediasmo-tou-systimatos-ygeias.html
YEAR 2019
13 March 2019, Athens: Workshop «Fake news 2.0: A practical approach to what is happening in Greece and Europe»
Location: Electra Palace (Workshop)
Konstantinos Korikis, Digital Media Strategist
Yiannis Karamangalis, Journalist
Florens Tselai, Data Strategist & Engineer
16 March 2019, Athens: «Theater and Politics»
Location: Art Theater Karolos Koun
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/664-savvato-16-3-2019-theatro-kai-politiki-html.html
18 March 2019, Athens: «State and Church»
Location: King George Hotel (open event)
Chrysostomos Savatos, Metropolitan of Messinia and professor of Theology at the University of Athens
Tasia Christodoulopoulou, Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament
Ioannis M. Konidaris, Emeritus Professor of Ecclesiastical Law, University of Athens
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Moderation: Maria Antoniadou, Journalist, President of the Greek Journalists' Union
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/663-deftera-18-3-2019-athina-kratos-ekklisia-html.html
9 May 2019, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Hellenic Association for European Law, honor the Day of Europe: «The challenge of the European Idea»
Location: Electra Palace Hotel (open event)
Opening Address: George Markopouliotis, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Greece
Table 1: «Brexit and the challenge to the limits to EU»
Sophia Hala, Legal Counsel, Office of the Secretary General for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Panagiotis Doudonis, Lecturer and DPhil Cand. in Law at Oriel College, University of Oxford
Table 2: «The European Union in Crisis; The uncertain future of European Integration»
Vasilios Skouris, Former President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Professor Emeritus Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Moderation: Sophia Dimtsa, Journalist
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/674-9-maiou-2019-i-dokimasia-tis-evropaikis-ideas.html
The third annual two-day conference
The Restitution of the Middle Class

19 – 20 June 2019, Athens: Two- days Conference of KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with SGT: ELLADA META III : The Restitution of the Middle Class
Location: Caravel Hotel
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/19-20-iouniou-ellada-meta-iii-i-anasystasi-tis-mesaias-taksis.html
17 October 2019, Athens: «Electoral system and Diaspora vote»
Location: King George Hotel (open event)
Nikos Alivizatos, Emeritus Professor of the Law School of the University of Athens
Charalambos Anthopoulos, Professor of Law and Administration at the Hellenic Open University
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Thanasis Diamantopoulos, Emeritus Professor Political Science of Panteio University
Antypas Karipoglou, Lawyer
Moderation: Eva Antonopoulou, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/17-10-2019-athina-eklogiko-systima-kai-psifos-ton-apodimon-nomothetikes-kai-anatheoritikes-dynatotites.html
30 October 2019, Athens: Workshop on the latest developments on hydrocarbon exploration in Greek marine areas after the of the conventions ratification
Location: Electra Palace
Ioannis Maniatis, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Dimitris Gotnikas, CEO and Vice President at Energean Oil and Gas
Yannis Grigoriou, CEO at Hellenic Petroleum Upstream S.A.
Konstantinos Nikolaou, Petroleum Geologist – Energy Economist, technical advisor of Energean Oil & Gas
Moderation: Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotel University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister
26 November 2019, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with New York College: «The Euro - Atlantic perspective of Balkans and the position of Greece»
Location: Parnassus Philological Society (open event)
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dimitris Kourkoulas, former Deputy Foreign Minister
Dimitris Karaitidis, Honorary Ambassador
Moderation: Aristotelia Peloni, journalist
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/688-26-11-2019-athina-i-evroatlantiki-prooptiki-ton-valkanion-kai-i-thesi-tis-elladas.html
28 November 2019, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with KEFIM: «Regulatory Quality Index | What has to change both on national and on European level»
Location: King George hotel (open event)
Panagiotis Karkatsoulis, RQI Lead Researcher, Public Administration Expert, President – Institute for Regulatory Policy Research
Bican Şahin, President – Freedom Research Association, Associate Professor of Political Science – Hacettepe University, Turkey
Svetlana Koleva Aleksandrova – Zlatanska, Representative of Liberal Institute for Political Analyses, Associate Professor – University of National and Word Economy, Bulgaria
Georgios Georgantas, Deputy Minister of Digital Governance, MP of New Democracy
Evangelos Venizelos, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Professor of constitutional law in Aristotle University
Konstantinos Menoudakos, Former President of the Council of State, Chairman of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Svetla Kostadinova, Executive Director – Institute for Market Economics (IME), Bulgaria
Moderator: Eva Antonopoulou, Journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/28-11-2019-athina-deiktis-poiotitas-nomothetisis-ti-prepei-na-allaksei-se-ethniko-kai-evropaiko-epipedo.html
16 December 2019, Athens: «Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Greek – Turkey relationships»
Location: Hotel Grande Bretagne (open event)
Dora Bakogianni, MP, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Evangelos Venizelos, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pavlos Apostolidis, Honorary Ambassador
Giorgos Savvaidis, Honorary Ambassador
Moderator: Alexis Papachelas, Journalist and the current Executive Editor of Kathimerini newspaper
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/deftera-16-12-2019-oriothetisi-thalassion-zonon-sti-mesogeio-kai-ellinotourkikes-sxeseis.html
YEAR 2018
21 January 2018, Athens: «Common Sense of Justice vs. Rule of Law - The relationship between Justice- Public Opinion- Politics»
Location: King George Hotel (open event)
Panagiotis Pikrammenos, Emeritus President of the Council of State, former Prime Minister
Vasileios Makris, Emeritus Vice Procecutor of the Supreme Court's Office, honorary president of the Prosecutors' Union
Xristos Mylonopoulos, Professor of Law
Stavros Tsakyrakis, Professor of Law
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Moderation: Ioanna Mandrou, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/566-tetarti-31-1-koino-peri-dikaiou-aisthima-vs-kratos-dikaiou.html
12 February 2018, Athens: «On the occasion of the name. Conjuncture and strategy in Balkans»
Location: Hotel Grande Bretagne (open event)
Evangelos Venizelos, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dora Bakogianni, MP, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dimitris Karaitidis, Honorary Ambassador
Giorgos Savvaidis, Honorary Ambassador
Vasilis Gounaris, Professor of Modern History at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Konstantina Botsiou, Associate Professor of Modern History at University of the Peloponnese
Moderation: Pantelis Kapsis, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/566-tetarti-31-1-koino-peri-dikaiou-aisthima-vs-kratos-dikaiou.html
14 March 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with the Foundation for International Legal Studies - Professor Elias Krispi, with the support of the Hellenic American Union: "Privacy Policy - Electronic Identification"
Location: Hellenic American Union (open event)
Lilian Mitrou, University of the Aegean - Polytechnic School
Konstantinos Christodoulou, University of Athens - Law School
Antonis Stasis, Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction - eGovernment Directorate
Chrysoula Michailidou, EETT, Legal Service
Giorgos Papastamatiou, FORTH-CRS
Kostas Gritsis, MICROSOFT
Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzis, Panteion University - School of Public Administration
Moderation: Petros Kavasalis, University of the Aegean - Polytechnic School, President of KYKLOS IDEON
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/581-14-3-2018-prostasia-dedomenon-ilektroniki-taftopoiisi.html
27 March 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Institute for International Economic Relations (IDOS): Workshop on "Chinese investments in Greece"
Location: Electra Palace Hotel
Aggelos Pangratis, Advisor Hors Classe for the European Economic Diplomacy, European External Action Service
George Vernikos, ESC President and Secretary General SETE, Vice-President of the Greek-Chinese Chamber
Plamen Todchev, Head of the Asian Studies Program of the Institute of International Economic Relations
Antonis Trifyllis, former EU official
George N. Tzogopoulos, Research Associate Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and Center International de Formation Européenne
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/592-27-3-2018-athina-workshop-oi-kinezikes-ependyseis-stin-ellada.html
28 March 2018, Athens: Workshop on "Private and public debt as key determinants of the post-2019 course"
Location: Electra Palace Hotel
George Stratopoulos: "Interventions for the alleviation of private debt"
George Prokopakis: "Management of public finances on the way to graduation from the Supporting Mechanism"
Dr. Miranda Xafa
Dr. Gikas Hardouvelis
Dr. Panagiotis Liargovas
Moderation: Evangelos Venizelos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/593-28-3-2018-athina-workshop-to-idiotiko-kai-to-dimosio-xreos-os-kathoristikoi-paragontes-gia-tin-poreia-meta-to-2019.html
03 April 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with CECL held a workshop with Paul Yowell, professor of Law at the University of Oxford, on the subject: "Judicial review and the relationship between justice and policy of power”
Location: Athens, Electra Palace Hotel
Speakers: Academics and politicians discussed with Paul Yowell
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/594-3-4-2019-athina-syzitisi-me-ton-episimo-proskeklimeno-mas-k-paul-yowell.html
07 May 2018, Thessaloniki: “ELLADA META: Hopes and Risks. Preparing the period 2019-2021”
Location: Electra Palace Hotel (open event)
Antonis Manitakis, Emeritus Professor at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Andreas Pantazopoulos, art. professor of political science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Miranda Xafa, Senior scholar, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Athanasios Tsaftaris, Emeritus Professor of AUTh, former Minister of Agriculture
Stergios Logothetidis, Professor of Nanotechnology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Moderation: Evangelos Venizelos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/7-5-2018-i-ellada-meta-elpides-kai-kindynoi.html
The second annual two-day conference:

11 & 12 June 2018, Athens: Two-day Conference of KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with SGT: ELLADA META II (GREECE AFTER II)
Location: Divani Caravel Hotel (open event)
Speakers: Fifty Six rapporteurs, in seven round tables.
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/11-12-iouniou-athina-ellada-meta-ii.html
19 September 2018, Athens: «In the aftermath HELEXPO – On the way to the elections»
Location: King George Hotel (open event)
Nikos Vettas, Director General of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business
Miltiadis Nektarios, Professor at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Piraeus
George Prokopakis, Business Consultant
George Stratopoulos, Economic Analyst
Gikas Hardouvelis, former Minister of Finance of Greece, Professor at the University of Piraeus
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Greece
Moderation: Niki Lyberaki, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/617-19-9-athina-ston-apoixo-tis-deth-i-poreia-tis-xoras-mexri-tis-ekloges-html.html
15 October 2018, Athens: Workshop on the latest developments on hydrocarbon exploration in Greek marine areas within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the law 4001/2011
Location: Electra Palace
Ioannis Maniatis, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Theodore Kariotis, Professor at University of Maryland
Dimitris Gotnikas, CEO and Vice President at Energean Oil and Gas
Yannis Grigoriou, CEO at Hellenic Petroleum Upstream S.A.
Konstantinos Nikolaou, Petroleum Geologist – Energy Economist, member of the Board of Directors of Cyprus Hydrocarbon Company(CHC), technical advisor of Energean Oil & Gas
Moderation: Evangelos Venizelos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/15-10-2018-athina-workshop-sxetika-me-tis-teleftaies-ekselikseis-os-pros-tis-erevnes-gia-tous-ydrogonanthrakes.html
7 November 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Institute for International Economic Relations (IDOS): «Chinese Investments in Greece»
Location: Electra Palace Hotel (open event)
George Vernicos, President of European Civil Society of Greece, General Secretary of Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, Vice-President of Hellenic Chinese Chamber
Angelos Pangratis, Advisor Hors Classe for the European Economic Diplomacy, European External Action Service
Iraklis Prokopakis, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Danaos Corporation
Plamen Tonchev, Head of the Asia Unit at the Athens-based Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER)
Antonios Trifyllis, former head of cabinet at European Commission
George Tzogopoulos, Research Associate with the Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) and Visiting Lecturer at the European Institute
Moderator: Irini Chrisolora, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/7-11-2018-athina-oi-kinezikes-ependyseis-stin-ellada.html
14 November 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with CECL: «Prerequisites of the amendment consensus and the dangers of constitutional populism»
Location: Hotel Divani Caravel (open event)
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister, Professor of Constitutional Law
Spyros Vlachopoulos, Professor, Law School of the University of Athens
Georgios Katrougalos, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace
Xenophon Contiades, Professor of Public Law, Panteion University and Managing Director, Centre for European Constitutional Law
Konstantinos Menoudakos, President emeritus, Council of State, President, Hellenic Data Protection Authority
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/14-11-2018-athina-oi-proypotheseis-tis-anatheoritikis-synainesis-kai-oi-kindynoi-tou-syntagmatikoy-laikismoy.html
20 November 2018, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Stiftung and Goethe-Institut Athen: «EU- Turkey Relations: Deadlock or Perspective?»
Location: Goethe-Institut Athen (open event)
Languages: Greek & German
Johannes Singhammer, Vice-Presidents of the Bundestag
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ludwig Schulz, Political Scientist, member of the board and treasurer of MEIA Research
Loukas Tsoukalis, Emeritus Professor of the University of Athens and President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
Alkis Kourkoulas, Journalist
Pavlos Tsimas, Journalist
Moderator: Yannis Koutsomitis, columnist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/20-11-2018-athina-oi-sxeseis-ee-tourkias-adieksodo-i-prooptiki.html
11 December 2018, Athens: «European Democracy in question»
Location: King George Hotel (open event)
Marietta Giannakou, former Minister, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Greek Parliament
Xenofon Giataganas, former Legal Advisor of the European Commission
Stelios Perrakis, Emeritus Professor Democritus University of Thrace, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Greece to the Council of Europe
Katerina Schina, Literary Critics
Dimitris Charalambis, Professor at the University of Athens, President of the Hellenic Political Science Association
Xenophon Contiades, Professor of Public Law, Panteion University and Managing Director, Centre for European Constitutional Law
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister, Professor of Constitutional Law
Moderation: A. I. Metaxas, Membre titulaire de l’Académie Européenne Interdisciplinaire des Sciences
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/632-11-12-2018-athina-i-evropaiki-dimokratia-se-amfisvitisi-html.html
20 December 2018, Athens: Presentation of Evangelos Venizelos’ book «Democracy between conjuncture and History. Expectations and risks from revising the Constitution»
Location: French Institute of Greece (open event)
Aikaterini Sakellaropoulou, President of Council of State
Antonis Manitakis, Emeritus Professor at the Law School of AUTh
Christos Chomenidis, novelist
Antonis Karambatzos, Associate Professor at the Law School of Athens (UoA)
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Dimitra Kroustalli, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/635-pempti-20-12-2018-parousiasi-tou-neou-vivliou-tou-ev-venizelou-html.html
Year 2017
17.01.2017, Athens: “Internet and Democracy. Fake news & Post truth politics”
Location: Innovathens (open event)
Petros Tatsopoulos, writer, former MP for the Greek Parliament
Dimitris Koukiadis, Ph.D. in Internet Law at the University of Frankfurt
Giannis Koutsomitis, columnist, analyst
Konstantinos Korikis, digital media strategy
Moderation: Maria Tsakou, lawyer, co-founder of the internet radio station Amagi site
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/17-01-2017-athina-diadiktyo-kai-dimokratia-fake-news-post-truth-politiki.html
23.1.2017, Athens. Facebook Live discussion in collaboration with Free Thinking Zone and Liontis.eu: "Trump in the Presidency: What's Changing in America, the Impact on Europe and the World"
Charalambos Papasotiriou, Professor, President of the Institute of International Relations
Antonis Trifyllis, member of the Board of Supervisors
Moderation: Aristotelia Peloni, journalist
* See the video: https://ekyklos.gr/ev/364-facebook-live-o-tramp-stin-proedria-ti-allazei-stin-ameriki-oi-epiptoseis-stin-evropi-kai-ston-kosmo.html
05.02.2017, Ioannina: "What future for Greece? Greece's position in a Europe that is being challenged " (open event)
Dimitris Kourkoulas, former Deputy Foreign Minister
Spyros Vletsas, author, columnist
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: George Papachristos, journalist
Welcoming remarks by Dimitris Papageorgiou, lawyer
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/5-02-2017-giannena-i-thesi-tis-elladas-se-mia-evropi-pou-amfisviteitai.html
17.02.2017, Athens: "Nationalist populism Vs. Sleepwalkers. Europe and Greece on the world map of populism"
Location: Athens, Pallas Theater (open event)
Andreas Pantazopoulos, art. professor of political science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Petros Papasarantopoulos, publisher & author
Iason Pipinis, journalist & author
Vassilis Papavassiliou, actor and director
Conclusions by Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Ilias Kanellis, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/17-02-2017-athina-ethnikolaikistes-vs-ypnovates-i-evropi-kai-i-ellada-ston-pagkosmio-xarti-tou-laikismoy.html
23.02.2017, Athens: Working Breakfast with founder and CEO of Japonica Partners, Paul Kazarian
Location: Hotel Grande Bretagne
Speakers: Academics, politicians and journalist discussed with Paul Kazarian
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/23-02-2017-athina-working-breakfast-me-ton-paul-kazarian.html
27.03.2017, Athens: “60 Years After the Treaty of Rome: European Integration Reestablished.” #EU60
Location: Hotel King George (open event)
Speakers: Fourteen rapporteurs, in two round tables.
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/27-3-2017-athina-60-xronia-meta-ti-synthiki-tis-romis-i-evropaiki-oloklirosi-ksana-se-dokimasia-eu60.html
9.5.2017, Thessaloniki: «European Integration Faced with New Challenges - Greece in a Changing Europe» # EU60
Location: Chamber of Commerce and Industry (open event)
Vassilis Skouris, former President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Chairman of the BoD of the Center for International and European Economic Law of Thessaloniki, Emeritus Professor of the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Ioannis Koukiadis, Emeritus Professor at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, former MEP
Yannis Stefanidis, Professor of Diplomatic History at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Spyros Litsas, Associate Professor of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of Parliament of Thessaloniki, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Moderation: Christina Taxiaou, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/9-5-2017-thessaloniki-ekdilosi-tou-kyklou-ideon-gia-tin-evropi-eu60.html
23.05.2017, Athens: Presentation of Evangelos Venizelos’ book «Myths and Truths on Public Debt»
Location: Karatzas Auditorium of the National Bank of Greece (open event)
George Provopoulos, former Governor of the Bank of Greece
Gikas Hardouvelis, former Minister of Finance of Greece
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderator: Pantelis Kapsis, journalist
*See more: https://www.ekyklos.gr/23-maiou-athina-syzitisi-me-aformi-to-vivlio-tou-ev-venizelou.html
26.05.2017, Athens: Working Breakfast with Professor of history and accounting at the University of Southern California, Jacob Soll
Location: Electra Palace Hotel
Academics, politicians and journalist of Greek political and socio-economic life discussed with Prof. Jacob Soll
29.05.2017, Athens: Working Breakfast with Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia, Cas Mudde
Location: Electra Palace Hotel
Academics, politicians and journalist of Greek political and socio-economic life discussed with Prof. Cas Mudde
Two-day conference:

After twenty open talks in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities, and after eighteen months of preparation, KYKLOS IDEON (Circle of ideas for national reconstruction) held a two-day conference to compile its proposals that can contribute to national reconstruction: For the Greece after the crisis.
12 & 13 June 2017, Athens: Two-day Conference of KYKLOS IDEON: in collaboration with SGT: ELLADA META (GREECE AFTER)
Location: Divani Caravel Hotel (open event)
Speakers: Fifty rapporteurs, in six round tables.
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/448-I-ELLADA-META.html
22.10.2017, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in collaboration with SGT: “Justice and investments”
Location: Divani Caravel Hotel (open event)
Konstantinos Menoudakos, Honorary President of the CoE
Vassilis Skouris, Former President of the WEU
Evangelos Venizelos, Professor of Constitutional Law, Former Deputy Prime Minister
Giannis Retsos, President of SETE
Theodoros Fessas, President of SEV
Yannis Hatzitheodosiou, President of the Hellenic Federation of Greek Artists
Moderation: Niki Lyberaki, journalist
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/22-noemvriou-dikaiosyni-kai-ependyseis.html
Year: 2016
29.02.2016, Athens: “Is there a solution to the Greek problem?”
Location: French Institute (open event)
George Provopoulos, former Governor of the Bank of Greece
Jean Quatremer, Liberation correspondent for Brussels
Christos Chomenidis, novelist
Moderation: Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister of Greece and former leader of PASOK
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/29-2-2016-athina-yparxei-lysi-sto-elliniko-provlima.html
***Book: https://www.politeianet.gr/books/9786188216785-probopoulos-a-georgios-poikili-stoa-ekdoseis-uparchei-lusi-sto-elliniko-problima-256617
12.04.2016, Athens: “Myths and truths about the Greek Public Debt. Before and after the PSI/OSI”
Location: Karatzas Auditorium of the National Bank of Greece (open event)
Daniel Cohen, Professor and Founding Member at the Paris School of Economics
Paul Kazarian, CEO of Japonica Partners
Evangelos Venizelos, former Finance Minister
Moderation: Pantelis Kapsis, Greek journalist and former Minister
Data analysis of the public Debt was provided by economist George Stratopoulos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/12-4-2016-athina-mythoi-kai-alitheies-gia-to-dimosio-xreos-prin-kai-meta-to-psi-osi.html
25.05.2016, Athens: Presentation of Evangelos Venizelos’ book “State Transformation and the European Integration Project: Lessons from the financial crisis and the Greek paradigm”
Location: Aliki Theater (open event)
Vasilios Skouris, former President of the Court of Justice of the EU
Prof. Panagiotis Ioakimidis
George Prokopakis, business consultant
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Takis Theodoropoulos, journalist and author
* For the book, see here: https://www.ceps.eu/publications/state-transformation-and-european-integration-project-lessons-financial-crisis-and
30.06.2016, Athens: “A conversation over Constitution and Democracy”
Location: Pallas Theater (open event)
Prof. Nikolaos Alivizatos
Prof. Stavros Tsakyrakis
Prof. Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Ilias Kanellis, journalist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/30-6-2016-athina-en-ou-paiktois-mia-syzitisi-gia-to-syntagma-kai-ti-dimokratia.html
** Book: http://goo.gl/mtRrrj
25.9.2016, Thessaloniki: “What future for Greece? In search of a national strategy.”
Location: Chamber of Commerce and Industry (open event)
Prof. Thanassis Diamantopoulos
Prof. Nikos Marantzidis
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister of Greece and former leader of PASOK
Moderation: Giorgos Skabardonis, writer
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/25-9-2016-thessaloniki-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-oi-proypotheseis-mias-ethnikis-stratigikis.html
15.10.2016, Kastoria: “What future for Greece? In search of a sustainable economy.” (open event)
Prof. Athanasios Tsaftaris, former Minister of Agriculture
Prof. Nikolaos Panagiotou
Panagiotis Kostoulas, lawyer
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Kosmas Varsamis, dentist
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/15-10-2016-kastoria-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-oi-antoxes-kai-oi-dynatotites-tis-pragmatikis-oikonomias.html
21.10.2016, Kalamata: “European and international new challenges” (open event)
Roula Georgakopoulou, journalist & writer
Prof. Panagiotis Ioakeimidis
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy PM of Greece and former leader of PASOK
Moderation: Dionisis Alevras, lawyer
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/21-10-2016-kalamata-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-nees-evropaikes-kai-diethneis-prokliseis.html
31.10.2016, Larisa: "What future for Greece? Institutional deflection and economic stalemate. The political conditions of the national recovery " (open event)
Thanasis Vakalis, president of the THESgala cooperative
Christos Chomenidis, author
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Andreas Yiourmetakis, journalist
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/31-10-2016-larisa-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-thesmiki-ektropi-kai-oikonomiko-adieksodo-oi-proypotheseis-tis-ethnikis-anakampsis.html
14.11.2016, Sparti: "What future for Greece? Can the fourth memorandum be avoided? " (open event)
Lefteris Kousoulis, political scientist
Yannis Koutsomitis, columnist / analyst
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Panagiotis Komninos, President of Sparta Bar Association
See more: https://ekyklos.gr/14-11-2016-sparti-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-borei-na-apofefxthei-to-tetarto-mnimonio.html
19.11.2016, Kavala: “What future for Greece? Education and culture as elements of national identity and as levers of development” (open event)
Lina Mendoni, archaeologist - National Research Foundation, Ministry of Culture
Michalis Chrysomalis, Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace
Manos Epitropakis, musician
Kosmas Harpandidis, author
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Kostis Simitsis, former mayor of Kavala
The event is opened by former MP Dimitris Papoutsis
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/19-11-2016-kavala-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-i-paideia-kai-o-politismos-os-stoixeia-ethnikis-taftotitas-kai-os-moxloi-anaptyksis.html
22.11.2016, Athens: KYKLOS IDEON in coordination with Diktio: “Education and Development”
Location: Royal Olympic Hotel (open event)
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/22-11-2016-athina-koini-ekdilosi-diktyou-kai-kyklou-ideon-paideia-kai-anaptyksi.html
26.11.2016, Agrinio: "What future for Greece? The Role of the Primary Sector " (open event)
Alekos Kritikos, former secretary general of the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Development
Xenophon Broutzakis, author
Evangelos Venizelos
Moderation: Christos Κostakopoulos
Welcoming remarks by: the President of the Agricultural Cooperative "Agrinion Association", Thomas Koutsoupias and the President of the Association of Rural Cooperatives of Mesologgi-Nafpaktia, Panagiotis Zografos
*See more: https://ekyklos.gr/26-11-2016-agrinio-poio-mellon-gia-tin-ellada-o-rolos-tou-protogeni-tomea.html
30.11.2016, Athens: "New Challenges for Greek Foreign and Security Policy"
Location: Athens, King George Hotel (open event)
Dimitris Keridis, Professor of International Relations at Panteion University
Evanthis Chatzivasiliou, Professor at the Department of History and Archeology at the University of Athens
Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minister of National Defense
Moderation: Christos Michaelides, journalist
* See more: https://ekyklos.gr/30-11-2016-athina-i-ellada-ston-kosmo-nees-prokliseis-gia-tin-elliniki-eksoteriki-politiki-kai-politiki-asfaleias.html
KYKLOS IDEON' work on «Ellada Meta» is continued